Monday, September 20, 2010

Saving your life when strangers are around but nobody is helping

Living in a 3rd world developing country, I was taken aback many a time when I would notice people crowding around the site of an accident hoping to see what is going on but not actually helping. I was ever since appalled at the behavior of my fellow countrymen and still am. How could so many people look on at the victims of a car accident (surviving no less but requiring urgent medical attention) but not do a single thing to assist whether it may be calling the ambulance or getting the police. However, after reading an article the other day, I discovered that in order to increase your probability of survival in a car accident, you can't expect or should never expect a good Samaritan to come to your aid. This is not a Hollywood movie where things will go your way. Instead of depending on somebody else to hopefully understand the predicament that you are in, the suggestion here is to take control of the situation yourself (you have to be aware first that you are in need of help) by directing the people around you to help you out. You have got to identify the person you need help from and instruct them to call the police, get an ambulance or just assist you. This snaps them out of observer mode and into action. Hopefully by example, the people around the area will start to take note and join in to help out. So the lesson here is, "If you want to be saved, don't wait for somebody. Help yourself by being aware and taking control of the situation". Just like everything else in life...

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