If there is any one thing that I would like to mention at least once in this blog is perhaps what drives some people to achieve their goals while others fail. I will definitely revisit this topic again but for now, let's start with something simple. For example, if we were to use this blog as a sample scenario, to me it was a goal of mine to share my wisdom perhaps to my future self and children given a chance and also at the same time help others learn from my experiences. While I may come off sounding cheesy and trying to be a wannabe know-it-all, I also believe that the teacher or preacher in my case, will learn more when he is sharing it with others. So don't mistake me being entirely self-sacrificing. I am doing it for myself first and helping anybody else along the way. Going back to the topic, after doing some reflection these days, I have come to the conclusion that what started me to write this blog on a frequent basis is a few key factors which helped this sustain momentum. To put it simply in the 3 steps I have highlighted below:
Initial and subsequent planning on achieving your goals
I do think this primary step is a given since without it I wouldn't have thought about what my goals were, what I intended to achieve, how long it was going to take, and so forth. Ask any successful person worth their salt and they will probably tell you that success is planned not a fluke since you must be able to recreate the successful situation on a consistent basis. Only then, will you be motivated to move on to the next goal and duplicate the process. Identifying the criteria, limitations and parameters for a successful outcome allows you to be aware of the current situation without allowing emotion or factors not within our control to dictate where our goals are headed. However, do not fall into the trap of planning but not taking the actions once the steps have been outlined. Once you prioritize your goals and direction, the next step is to take...
Quick decisive action
I have to emphasize on the words "quick" and "decisive" since people habitually catch on a procrastinator bug which can be self-defeating if it lingers too long. When it is within your capabilities, always make sure you check that you are meeting your standards that you have set for yourself and just swiftly act on it if the decision is clear as day. If there is a crossroad where a decision must be made, take enough time to think about it but not too long. Once the decision is made, move forward rapidly to act upon it so that a result can be achieved from there. Better to have act than not done anything since you are able to decide whether it was a success or a failure rather than leaving it up in the air. Don't ever regret what you did do, only regret what you knew but did not do.
The ability to see it through to the end
Really, you may be a good planner or even a fantastic executor of action but all of that goes to waste if you falter when the road gets bumpy. A secret to this is really finding out what is the deep seated motivation driving you to accomplish this goal. Call it passion or an interest in whatever it is, this will be the final key in unlocking that treasure trove of goals. Reviewing your actions and coming up with new preparation to suit the situation also goes a long way to ensure your goals come to fruition.
And if all else fails, this may sound corny, but you just have to have faith and believe in your own ability, planning, decisions, action and interest is the right way and just wait it out till the winds blow in your direction. Sometimes, it really is luck when preparation meets opportunity.
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