Friday, October 8, 2010

3 Simple Ways of Achieving Your Dreams

Dreams can be a very complex thing and I will not start going into the details since it differs from one person to another. Normally, I would rate dreams as something that can be hard to obtain since we can only picture it successful in the mind. Bringing it forth into reality is like trying to build castles in the sky without the materials or the expertise. I would like to turn that around by saying that we DO have castles in the sky, it’s just that the naked eye can’t see it. What I am referring to is the International Space Station or ISS. Now, you may say that it’s not really a castle and not medieval enough but think about it, the person (long ago) who coined the proverb must have meant it as the impossible but now with the skills and technology we have, we are actually taking our first steps in colonizing space, the so called final frontier.

In this article, I would to pay tribute to Muhammad Ali (and his quotes which I will be sharing), a real dream achiever, who like all the champions who came before and after him and share some of his quotes. At the same time, I also would like to share how each of our dreams can be accomplished no matter how large or small they are. However, like anybody who aspires to reach it, I would like to keep it as simple as possible. In fact, there is only 3 simple steps (but application is of these will be the determinator) of how well a person achieves it or fall short of obtaining it. So let’s get to business:

Steady Unwavering Focus.
The one most important thing that we all could use in our daily lives with the advent of technology, we are bombarded with concepts, ideas, advertisements, books, people, the Internet and everything in between that strives and demands our attention. I pray that we will not encounter an age where it would like the Minority Report and have holograph advertisements popping out of nowhere trying to demand my attention. If we all did this one thing which is to focus on one goal at a time and just ignore the distractions taking us away from our goal, I think we would be able to achieve almost anything we set our mind to.

“Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have last-minute stamina, they have to be a little faster, they have to have the skill and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill”

~Muhammad Ali

Break Your Dream Down to the Achievable Portions.
“Failing to plan is planning to fail”, a cliché and often overused proverb but planning is not good enough. Sometimes a plan is still just a general idea of where you want to go and is an outline. If you can break this plan (or elephant) down into tiny chunks which you sincerely BELIEVE that you can accomplish, your plan will never take off. Dreams are like the final destination or the end product of what you would like to see in your life, but it’s the little steps that take you there is real meaning behind all the imagination and separates those who continue to see it in ethereal form or those who are daring enough to form reality with it.

"I hated every minute of training, but I said, ''Don't quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion.''

~Muhammad Ali

Consistent Action on the Achieving Those Portions.
Ahhhh, the final piece of the puzzle. Action, action, action. Most of us would probably give up at the first step, many more will ignore the second and perhaps only a handful who are courageous enough to take this final step will even at some time falter along the way. But never fear, as long as the dream is worthy enough of those willing to undertake the challenge, they will always return and seek to rectify their actions. Consistency, perseverance and persistence are the long standing traits of any successful dreamer cum reality bringer. Again, as mentioned in the previous point, the little steps are the ones that make up the journey. Sure, you can cheat along the way and be flexible with taking or not taking the steps but it will prolong or even detract you from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.”

~Muhammad Ali

So I wish you all good luck and skill in achieving all that you were meant to be, want to be or need to be. May your dreams come true!

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